I Got The Monkey … The Monkey Got Me

(Click to Play Song)

Vocals by the World Famous Chanters

Jo Ann Brandt, Ron Henricks, Ruth Mobley, Joe Fleming, Laura Nell

I wrote this little ditty to introduce the book

An idea jumped at me when I started jotting down memories of living in Southeast Asia and South America. Could the memories become a novel? If only I knew how to write it. It took ten years but evolved into a story that combines happenings from my life woven with fictional events. It was published in 2015.

While in Bangkok I got to know a young girl who cleaned my apartment. She was poorly treated by her employer who owned the apartment. The truth is, I stole the girl and that’s when I got monkey mind. There’s more of my real life drama in ‘Monkey Mind and the Melting Heart’. You can read the first twenty five pages for free on Amazon.