To me, volcanos symbolize life with all its crazy uncertainties. We search for a graceful way through the chaos.

Life has grand joyful moments too.

There’s a mystery about these women picking fruit. Are they shy, furtive or guilty?

In 2000, I moved from Lahaina, Maui to Ocala, Florida. My mother and I lived together for 13 years. She was a delight.

Although I have drawn all my life, my artistic sense leapt into high gear while living in Suriname, South America in the early 1980’s. The saturated colors of tropical flowers, birds, insects and a dense rainforest awed me.

Two years in Thailand brought another jolt of sensations.

Wide-eyed Balinese dancers in glittering dress inspired paintings that were featured at Arsenault Gallery, Naples, Florida, in 1993. The Indonesian Embassy in Washington send the I Gusti Agnung Ngurah Supartha dance troupe to open the show. 

We all grapple with anger, sorrow, frief and fear; they are universal emotions.